Meredith Greif

Assistant Professor of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University

Meredith Greif is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University. Her research interests lie at the intersection of race, space, and housing. Spanning cities including Cleveland, Baltimore, and New York, her works looks at the systemic factors which perpetuate racial and social inequalities in accessing affordable housing and integrated neighborhoods.

Academic background

Meredith holds a PhD in Sociology from Penn State University, and Bachelor’s Degree in Rural Sociology from Cornell University. Currently, she is working on a book which draws upon ethnographic observations with landlords and city and court officials in Cleveland, to show how cities inadvertently contribute to their affordable housing crises through ineffective regulation over landlords. At PIRL, Meredith has worked on the “Brokering The Geography of Opportunity” project on landlords. In addition to work, her days are filled with coffee, rock collecting, and birdwatching. 

Research Interests

Meredith's research focuses on homelessness, housing insecurity, homeownership, and neighborhood effects, both internationally and domestically. She is currently study how landlords' business practices contribute to housing outcomes among lower-income and formerly homeless individuals, and explore models of stable, supportive housing for formerly homeless individuals. Her research also addresses how neighborhood and housing outcomes vary across racial and ethnic groups, and how they perpetuate intergroup inequalities.



Contact information

Office: Mergenthaler Hall 530
Office Phone: 410-516-4942

Recent publications

Greif, M.J. Forthcoming. “The Intersection of Homeownership, Race, and Neighborhood Stressors: Implications for Neighborhood Satisfaction.” Urban Studies

Greif, M.J. 2012. “Housing, Medical, and Food Deprivation in Poor Urban Contexts: Implications for Multiple Sexual Partnerships and Transactional Sex in Nairobi's Slums.” Health & Place 18: 400-407.

Greif, M.J., A. Adamczyk, and J. Felson. 2011. “Religion and Volunteering in Four Sub-Saharan African Countries.” Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 7: Article 11.

Adamczyk, A. and M.J. Greif. 2011. “Education and Risky Sex in Africa: Unraveling the Link Between Women’s Education and Reproductive Health Behaviors in Kenya.” Social Science Research 40: 654-666.

Greif, M.J. and F. Dodoo. 2011. “Internal Migration to Nairobi’s Slums: Linking
Migration Streams to Sexual Risk Behavior.” Health & Place 17: 86-93.

Greif, M.J., F. Dodoo, and A. Jayaraman. 2011. “Urban Poverty and Sexual Behavior: The Tale of Five African Cities.” Urban Studies 48: 947-957.

Greif, M.J. 2009. “Neighborhood Attachment in the Multiethnic Metropolis.” City & Community 8: 27-45.

Lee, B.A. and M.J. Greif. 2008. “Homelessness and Hunger.” Journal of Health and
Social Behavior 49: 3-19.

Oropesa, R.S., N. Landale, and M.J. Greif. 2008. ‘From Puerto Rican to Panethnic in New York City.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 31: 1315-1339.

Greif, M.J. and M.C. Taylor. 2005. “Racial and Ethnic Inequality” in Sherrod, Lonnie, Constance Flanagan, Ron Kassimir, and Amy Bertelsen, eds., Encyclopedia of Youth Activism. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.