Moving Matters: Residential Mobility, Neighborhoods and Family in the Lives of Poor Adolescents

Funded by the William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Award


This project is a multi-method study of how residential mobility, family structure and schooling are tied together to affect youth outcomes. Overall objectives of the study include: Understanding how housing policy affects mobility and school changes and understanding the conditions under which housing instability is perpetuated.

Media Coverage

The New Yorker

Baltimore Sun


DeLuca, Stefanie and Christine Jang-Trettien. 2020. “‘Not Just a Lateral Move’: Residential Decisions and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality.” City and Community 19(3): 451-488.

DeLuca, Stefanie, Holly Wood and Peter Rosenblatt.* 2019. “Why Poor People Move (and Where They Go): Reactive Mobility and Residential Decisions.” City and Community 18:556-593.

DeLuca, Stefanie, Philip Garboden and Peter Rosenblatt*. 2013. “Segregating Shelter: How Housing Policies Shape the Residential Locations of Low Income Minority Families.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 647:268-299.

Rosenblatt, Peter* and Stefanie DeLuca. 2012. “We Don’t Live Outside, We Live in Here”: Neighborhoods and Residential Mobility Decisions Among Low-income Families.” City and Community 11:254-284.

DeLuca, Stefanie. 2012. “What is the Role of Housing Policy? Considering Choice and Social Science Evidence.” Journal of Urban Affairs 34: 21-28.

Gasper, Joseph*, Stefanie DeLuca and Angela Estacion. 2012. “Switching High Schools: Reconsidering the Relationship between School Mobility and Dropout” American Educational Research Journal 49: 487-519.

Gasper, Joseph*, Stefanie DeLuca and Angela Estacion. 2010. “Coming and Going: The Effects of Residential and School Mobility on Delinquency.” Social Science Research 39: 459-476.

DeLuca, Stefanie and Peter Rosenblatt. 2010. “Does Moving To Better Neighborhoods Lead to Better Schooling Opportunities? Parental School Choice in an Experimental Housing Voucher Program.” Teachers College Record 112 (5) 1441-1489.

DeLuca, Stefanie and Elizabeth Dayton. 2009. “Switching Social Contexts: The Effects of Housing Mobility and School Choice Programs on Youth Outcomes.”  Annual Review of Sociology 35: 457-491.