Funded by the William T. Grant Foundation Scholars Award
This project is a multi-method study of how residential mobility, family structure and schooling are tied together to affect youth outcomes. Overall objectives of the study include: Understanding how housing policy affects mobility and school changes and understanding the conditions under which housing instability is perpetuated.
Media Coverage
DeLuca, Stefanie and Christine Jang-Trettien. 2020. “‘Not Just a Lateral Move’: Residential Decisions and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality.” City and Community 19(3): 451-488.
DeLuca, Stefanie, Holly Wood and Peter Rosenblatt.* 2019. “Why Poor People Move (and Where They Go): Reactive Mobility and Residential Decisions.” City and Community 18:556-593.
DeLuca, Stefanie, Philip Garboden and Peter Rosenblatt*. 2013. “Segregating Shelter: How Housing Policies Shape the Residential Locations of Low Income Minority Families.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 647:268-299.
Rosenblatt, Peter* and Stefanie DeLuca. 2012. “We Don’t Live Outside, We Live in Here”: Neighborhoods and Residential Mobility Decisions Among Low-income Families.” City and Community 11:254-284.
DeLuca, Stefanie. 2012. “What is the Role of Housing Policy? Considering Choice and Social Science Evidence.” Journal of Urban Affairs 34: 21-28.
Gasper, Joseph*, Stefanie DeLuca and Angela Estacion. 2012. “Switching High Schools: Reconsidering the Relationship between School Mobility and Dropout” American Educational Research Journal 49: 487-519.
Gasper, Joseph*, Stefanie DeLuca and Angela Estacion. 2010. “Coming and Going: The Effects of Residential and School Mobility on Delinquency.” Social Science Research 39: 459-476.
DeLuca, Stefanie and Peter Rosenblatt. 2010. “Does Moving To Better Neighborhoods Lead to Better Schooling Opportunities? Parental School Choice in an Experimental Housing Voucher Program.” Teachers College Record 112 (5) 1441-1489.
DeLuca, Stefanie and Elizabeth Dayton. 2009. “Switching Social Contexts: The Effects of Housing Mobility and School Choice Programs on Youth Outcomes.” Annual Review of Sociology 35: 457-491.