Margaret Tydings

Margaret Tydings is an undergraduate student at the Johns Hopkins University studying Political Science and Economics.

Margaret Tydings is an undergraduate student at Johns Hopkins University studying Political Science and Economics. This is her first formal research experience and she is excited to work on such meaningful and influential projects. Margaret has worked with Save the Children to advocate for early childhood education funding. At PIRL, she is most interested in researching housing’s influence on educational inequality. Margaret attended boarding school at Deerfield Academy where she was an All-American lacrosse goalie. She continues her lacrosse career on the varsity team at Hopkins and contributes to the opinion page of the school newspaper.

Research Interests: Early childhood education, housing mobility
Favorite Places to Go in Baltimore: Charm City Cakes, Druid Hill Park

Contact information

Lab: Poverty and Inequality Research Lab
Address: 3213 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218