Olivia Cigarroa

Olivia Cigarroa graduated from the Johns Hopkins University in May 2020 with a BA in majors Political Science and Spanish and a minor in Social Policy.

Olivia is currently a Research Assistant at PIRL and a Program Assistant for Central Baltimore Partnerships. At PIRL, Olivia’s work focuses on housing mobility and post-secondary education research. She has also spent time working towards creating more diverse and inclusive environments and advocating for immigration reform. In the future, she hopes to get a Masters in Public Policy or a law degree to continue fighting for social policy reform. In her spare time, Olivia loves to find new coffee shops and needlepoint. 

Research Interests: housing mobility, post-secondary education

Research Projects: Creating Moves to Opportunity, HPHK

Contact information

Email: ocigarr1@jhu.edu
Lab: Poverty and Inequality Research Lab
Address: 3213 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218