
Join us for the UB Colloquium Series talk featuring Dr. Stefanie DeLuca (Johns Hopkins University). More details forthcoming!


Undergraduate Frank Meng presented "Crossing Oceans, Changing Lives: Queer Chinese 1.5 Generation Transmigrants and Their Sexuality” at the Eastern Sociological Society’s 2024 Annual Conference.


Joseph Boselovic presented "How Expanding Residential Opportunity Changes Low-Income Families’ School Decision-Making: Qualitative Evidence from an Experimental Housing Intervention" at APPAM.


Stefanie DeLuca presented at University of Michigan's Poverty Solutions Speaker Series.

Creating Moves to Opportunity: Experimental and Mixed Methods Evidence on Neighborhood Choice”


Stefanie DeLuca gave a dinner talk at NBER's Behavioral Economics Bootcamp.

For more information, click here: https://www.nber.org/conferences/behavioral-public-…


Joseph Boselovic presented “Why Not Choose a Better Place for My Kids?“: How Reducing Residential Barriers Allows Low-Income Families to Realize Academic Preferences" at ASA. 


Stefanie DeLuca was invited to organize a panel at ASA's 2023 conference. 

"The New Sociology of Housing: Precarity, Policy and Place."

Paris School of Economics

May 26, 11:35-12:35am, Paris School of Economics
48 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris, room R2-21 (2nd floor)


Cornell Population Center

The New Demography of Migration and Mobility

May 4, 4:00-5:15pm, Location TBA

Keynote Address by Stefanie DeLuca

Residential Mobility, Housing Insecurity, and Neighborhood Opportunity: What We…