Brokering the Geography of Opportunity: Three-City Landlord Study of How Landlords Affect Access to Housing and Neighborhood Quality For Poor Families

Matching funds provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to conduct a study of landlords who could potentially rent to HCV households in the Cleveland and Dallas metropolitan areas.


Landlords and property managers have significant influence on housing and neighborhood quality for poor families. We examine how landlords who provide affordable or subsidized housing make investment, maintenance, screening, and leasing decisions. We conduct 250 semi-structured interviews with landlords in Dallas, TX, Cleveland, OH, Baltimore, MD, and Washington, DC. These interviews last approximately one to two hours and focus on each landlord's experience with property ownership and their plans for the future. Landlords are sampled for maximum heterogeneity based on listings of available properties that cater to renter families in the areas. We also interview other experts in rental real estate to provide background information and context.

Media Coverage

Bloomberg CityLab - "The Incentives That Might Make Landlords Take Section 8 Tenants"

Forbes - "Coons-Cramer Bill Is A Good Step Toward Housing Choice Reform"

Baltimore Sun (Op-Ed) - "Section 8 Needs Updating"


Greif, M.J. 2018. “Regulating Landlords: Unintended Consequences for Poor Tenants.” City & Community 17: 658-674. 
Garboden, P., E. Rosen, S. DeLuca, K. Edin, and M.J. Greif. 2018. “A Research Report: Urban Landlords and the Geography of Opportunity.” Department of Housing and Urban Development: Washington, DC. 

Garboden, Philip, Eva Rosen, Stefanie DeLuca and Kathryn Edin. 2018. “Taking Stock: What Drives Landlord Participation in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.” Housing Policy Debate 28:979-1003, DOI: 10.1080/10511482.2018.1502202

Garboden, Philip, Rosen, Eva, Greif, Meredith, DeLuca, Stefanie, and Edin, Kathryn. May 2018. "Urban Landlords and the Housing Choice Voucher Program: A Research Report," Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development and Research, 

Rosen, Eva and Philip ME Garboden. “Landlord Paternalism: Housing the Poor with a Velvet Glove” Forthcoming, Social Problems.

Garboden, Philip ME and Christine Jang. (2020) “There’s Money to Be Made in Community: Real Estate Developers, Community Organizing, and Profit-making in Shrinking Cities” Journal of Urban Affairs. 42:3, pp. 414-434. [WMI, not sure if counts but about LLs]

Garboden, Philip ME and Eva Rosen. (2019). “The Threat of Eviction: How Landlords Shape a Contingent Tenure." City and Community, 18(2), 638-661.

Garboden, Philip ME, Rosen, E., DeLuca, S., & Edin, K. (2018). “Taking Stock: What Drives Landlord Participation in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.” Housing Policy Debate, 28(6), 979-1003.

Garboden, Philip ME and Eva Rosen. (2018). “Talking to Landlords.” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research. 20(3), 281-291.

Cossyleon, Jennifer, Philip ME Garboden, and Stefanie DeLuca. (2020). “Recruiting Opportunity Landlords: Lessons from Landlords in Maryland.” Poverty & Race Research Action Council and Mobility Works: Washington, DC.

Garboden, Philip ME, Eva Rosen, Meredith Greif, Stefanie DeLuca, Kathryn Edin. (2018). “A Research Report: Urban Landlords and the Geography of Opportunity.” Department of Housing and Urban Development: Washington, DC.


Greif, M.J. “Who Should Apply? Landlords’ Mixed Messages and Hyper Scrutiny in the Affordable Rental Market.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Denver, 2019. 

Greif, M.J. “Housing America’s Most Vulnerable.” Invited presentation at the Johns Hopkins Symposium on Free Market Solutions to Urban Grand Challenges, April, 2019. 

Greif, M.J. “Regulating Landlords.” Invited presentation at the Colloquium on Issues in Landlord/Tenant Law, NYU School of Law, March 2019. 

Greif, M.J. “Regulating Landlords: Unintended Consequences for Poor Tenants.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Washington D.C., 2018. 

Greif, M.J. “Regulating Landlords: Unintended Consequences for Poor Tenants.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia 2018. 

Greif, M.J. and K. Edin. “Explaining Slumlord Behavior.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, 2018. 

Greif, M.J. and K. Edin. “Explaining Slumlord Behavior.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, 2018. 

Greif, M.J. “Regulating Landlords: Unintended Consequences for Poor Tenants.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, 2018. 

Greif, M.J. “Landlords and the Geography of Opportunity.” Presented at HUD (with S. Deluca, K. Edin, P. Garboden, and E. Rosen), Washington, DC, 2016. 

Greif, M.J. “How Investors Become Slumlords.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Seattle, 2016. 

“Brokering the Geography of Opportunity: How Landlords Affect Access to Housing and Neighborhood Quality Among HUD Assisted Renters.” Briefing to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. January 30th, 2014 & November 18th, 2016. 

“Discrimination without Discriminants: Racial Logics in Tenant Screening." American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, [online] 2020 (with Eva Rosen and Jennifer Cossyleon).

“Discrimination without Discriminants: Racial Logics in Tenant Screening” Sociology of Housing Conference, Washington, DC, 2019 (with Eva Rosen).

“Entries and Exits of Voucher Subsidized Stock: Modeling Unit Retention in the Housing Choice Voucher Program.” Penn-Oxford Symposium on Housing Affordability in Advanced Economies, Oxford, UK, 2019.  [HUD 58]

“Discrimination Without Discriminants: Racial Logics in Tenant Screening.” Urban Affairs Association, Los Angeles, CA, 2019.

“You Can’t Get There from Here: Mobility Networks and Administrative Balkanization in the Housing Choice Voucher Program” Center on the Family, Honolulu, HI 2019. [HUD 58]

“Housing Vouchers and Opportunity: What Drives Landlords' Willingness to Participate in the Housing Choice Voucher Program” Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity. Honolulu, HI, 2019 (with Minda Golez).

‘That's like my pension, the passive income:’ What Drives Amateurs to Speculate In the Low-End Rental Market.” ACSP 58th Annual Conference. Buffalo, NY, 2018.

“Landlord Participation in the Housing Choice Voucher Program” HUD Landlord Forum, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018.

“Tempting the Opportunity Landlord” The Seventh National Conference on Housing Mobility, Washington, DC, 2018. (with Eva Rosen and Jennifer Cossyleon)

“Talking to Landlords.” American Planning Association of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, 2018.

“Contingent Tenure: How Landlords Use the Threat of Eviction.” University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa Department of Sociology, Honolulu, HI, 2018.

“Family Landlords: Kin Ties, Real Estate Investment, and Survival in High Poverty Neighborhoods.” Eastern Sociology Society, Regular Session, Baltimore, MD, 2018. [WMI]

“Sorting the Poor: How Landlord Participation in the Housing Voucher Program Impacts Neighborhood Attainment.” Urban Affairs Association, 48th Conference, Toronto, Canada. 2018.

“Contingent Tenure: How Landlords Use the Threat of Eviction.” American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Regular Session, Montreal, Canada, 2017 (with Eva Rosen).

“The Culture of Amateur Real Estate Investing” American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Economic Sociology Roundtable, Montreal, Canada, 2017.

“Contingent Tenure: How Landlords Use the Threat of Eviction.” Urban Affairs Association, 47th Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2017 (with Eva Rosen).

Landlords and the Geography of Opportunity. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Policy Development and Research Division. 2016. (with Stefanie DeLuca, Kathryn Edin, Eva Rosen, & Meredith Greif)

“There’s Money to Be Made in Community: Real Estate Developers as Brokers of Social Connections” American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Regular Session, Seattle, WA, 2016 (with Christine Jang).  [WMI]  

“The Privatization of Conflict: How Public Policy Shapes Landlord-Tenant Interactions.” Urban Affairs Association, 46th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, 2016 (with Stefanie Deluca and Eva Rosen).
“This is How We Behave: Landlord-Tenant Relations and the New Paternalism.” American Sociological Association, Annual Meeting, Regular Session, Chicago, IL, 2015 (with Eva Rosen).

“Brokering the Geography of Opportunity: How Landlords Affect Access to Housing and Neighborhood Quality Among HUD Assisted Renters” The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Policy Development and Research, Washington, DC, 2014 (with Stefanie DeLuca, Kathryn Edin, and Eva Rosen).


District of Columbia